This is Ali Muhammad bin Faisal Al-Saud, Supreme Head of the Islamic Nation of Palestine.
The time has come to denounce before the world the dictatorship that currently governs the destiny of Palestine, an enemy of Allah, a liar, a man who has allied himself with the Zionist government of Israel so that it seizes the territories that less we have according to the Partition Plan of the United Nations.
Either he leaves, or we take him out by force, he does not exist any other way, we have let him know through different channels that he has done nothing and that now that he is an old man unburied in his own ineptitude, he still believes in the Palestine of 1947 .
This man will go to hell with all those who accompany him and it is time for us to recover our dignity as a Nation, outraged and vilified by the fascist government of Israel, whose leaders will be tried for the serious violations of human rights that have been committed. and currently they are committed against the noble people of Palestine.
Mahmoud Abbas my men with me in front we will go for you, flee now if you want to at least die in the dishonor of an exile that is the only thing you have left, because every family that the Jews have murdered, and looted their property will not open to you the doors of his house.